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harmony in living and
dying approach

In modern western society, death is rarely discussed openly.


Now more than ever, we need to. People have a need to connect, love, learn and care during the fragile journey of life.


The sense of our own mortality can help us all live better. 


Harmony In Living And Dying Approach (HILDA) is a new approach to the subject of death and dying. Using the idea of harmony, it can use the stark fact of our death, to help us live more fully.


Harmony in Living and Dying Approach (HILDA) is a pilot project which uses the idea of harmony to approach living, dying, death and grief in an open and practical way.

From December 2020 – August 2021, HILDA offered a series of online workshops.

HILDA comes at a particularly prescient time. During the global pandemic, death is now more apparent to everyone. From the relentless media coverage to our dear people who’ve died or, who’ve been badly affected, our mortality has been brought directly and clearly into view.


Death, living and dying is now in the consciousness of more people; a stark fact of everyday life. 


HILDA approaches the subject of death and dying through the diverse and positive spectrum of harmony with an aim to use death to live more consciously. An aim is to create a community of people who inspire each other to live consciously while preparing for our sacred time of dying.


There are other organisations already caring, connecting in harmony, we invite them to become harmony circles




the feeling is needed at the end of life when we are a stripped of our status, our image and our 


touch your feelings - not the cold thought process 

ompany stand out and show your visitors who you are.

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